Episode 92

When Things Don't Go To Plan, Sing

November 16th, 2022


Today I’m chatting about being an action taker in all facets of life.
We dive into:
  • Taking action when things don’t go to plan
  • Finding ways to create in times of quiet
  • Celebrating my birthday in style!
Connect with Nicole on Instagram @theartisansolutions 
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Episode Transcription
Welcome to Take Control with Nicole, as business owners we experience first hand the fine line between our personal and business lives. During our conversations, we will look at simple hints and tips to create time, reduce overwhelm, and help you to navigate through your journey to where you want to be. If you’re looking for smarter ways to work, and create space and time freedom in your day, then you’re in the right place. All right, let’s go.
Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Take Control with Nicole. We are here today as it is my birthday big year. And I just wanted to share some fabulous things that have happened in my universe over this past month in particular, that had just helped me to realign my energies back into play, and step back into the fabulous human that I know I am. And I love sharing this with my fabulous community and you are one of them, because you’ve hit that play button and you are in my space and our space right now. So when did this start, oh goodness, travel back a few weeks, it was a Tuesday, and one of my fabulous humans Jess Roberts, who is an amazing photographer from the WHO Photography and Design, she had put up on her Instagram that she was going to a sober Dance Party, which was hosted by a human that I had never had in my world before, Kat John, now when I heard the word dance party, and we’re going to be home by 8:30. I’ll finish by 8:30. I’m like, where is my ticket? Let’s go. So Tuesday arrived, I felt like I was a little bit of a high schooler, she came up to my parent’s home, picked me up and off we go. On the drive, we chatted all the things that we do with the beautiful humans that are in the car with us. And we arrived at this venue, it was rainbow on the outside, walked up those steps and I was not sure exactly what I was walking into. And then the music started. And everybody slowly took a step at a time and started moving to the music. At first it was slow. If we’re getting comfortable with dancing in the lights in the not so nightclub experience, which was normally where you would be when this music was playing now, it was fun music it took me back to those years just after high school when we would go out with the girls on a Saturday night. Just have fun, be out all night, our feet and those stilettos were a thing. But it was wonderful. And this time I was in flat sparkly shoes and drinking this gorgeous water. And just being. I was not aware of anyone around me. I was in the moment. And Jess was with me and another couple of fabulous humans and we were grooving around, there were dance circles. There were all the things going on. And then all of a sudden, the music stopped. It was black. Everyone was a bit unsure what to do. You could feel the room going from this high energy to oh, um okay, well, what do we do now? And so me, Nicole, action taker, I could see there was something I could sense there was something I could do I have not yet put my finger exactly on it. So I started the old strictly ballroom dad clap, you know the one, and all of a sudden everyone’s joining in, it’s getting faster and faster and faster and faster and faster. And then I started singing just to myself, just got my phone out, got my lyrics happening. I was just singing away to myself. And then all of a sudden the claps died down again. And it was silent. Little murmurs, emergency lighting had come on and then I get a nudge, go on Nicole, off you go, jump up on that stage, off you go. So I think it was probably a couple of seconds probably felt like longer, but it was really a couple of seconds. And all of a sudden, I had bounded up onto the stage and I was in front of all these people. I had no idea how many people were there. That’s not what my focus was it was I can do something, I have a voice. I can sing. I can do music, I can create an atmosphere here. Let’s do it.
Hey there, just interrupting this episode to share with you a guide that you are going to want to explore. Are you a cClickUp user at the moment or have you been sitting on the fence and hearing me talk about it each and every week? And just wondering, what is the next step to take? Well, I’ve created a guide that’s going to support you on your journey to really design your ClickUp spaces, be able to create those and then connect them into the way that your business operates each and every day, my community have told me that this guide has been a game changer in the way that they really look at their ClickUp workspaces, and operate each and every day. And you can access it as well. So pop on over to my website, theartisans.com.au/freebies, and access the Action Takers guide to ClickUp. How fabulous that you know, you’re ready to evolve your ClickUp journey, you’re ready to move from where you are right now, to where you have always known you want to be. Reach out, let me know, I love to hear all about your journey and ClickUp so I look forward to hearing from you soon.
And so all of a sudden, I started singing, I want to dance with somebody, it’s my go to song. Anyone who’s been out with me before to karaoke or just in general, where there’s a microphone involved or not. In this case, that’s my song to go to I know, it’s just fabulous everyone gets into it. It’s just like, Yeah, IIII wanna dance with somebody you know, it’s really just like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I started singing. And as that chorus came in the whole room, joined. Joined in with me, I cannot explain the experience that it was, the feeling, the energy, the vibrations, the everybody was there, for the same purpose, an uplifting experience. And it was such a shifting moment. For me. I had been dealing with some things over the past few months, and I was out of alignment. And all of a sudden, it clicked back in the power that you have as an individual, when there are things that you can contribute to that within your scope, within your ways of operating your natural ways of being, you take that jump up onto the stage, you take that leap, you press that button, whatever it is that’s in your world, the results and the impacts that are felt an experience way past, what’s in your own experience. And in your own world. These just radiate outwards, and encourage and inspire others to take those moments that may seem a little bit frightening at the time a little bit, oh, I can’t possibly do those things. Yes, you can. So in this week, that’s my birthday week. I love birthdays. I’m a November baby obviously and normally, it lasts a long time. And it hasn’t for the last few years. And this year, coming together with a group of fabulous humans, my beautiful brother and his mate Sam who sing, play guitars are beautiful musicians, they’re coming to perform and creates an atmosphere for us. And I’m so elated that that experience that month ago, has created this energy and this spark back in. To me who is it’s just such a fabulous, fabulous experience. So I want to leave you with this today. If there is something that you’re sitting on right now that you know, is something that you want to do. And you’re just not sure how it will come across or how it will make you feel or how it will impact those around you. Take that moment and take that micro action, little actions forward. This has been right in the centre of my world since that day, and always micro actions forward because you just never know the impact and the flow and effect of one moment in time. I can tell you for me after that week, I was buzzing I was so so excited about life and just so excited all the way into Friday. And then I met up with Jess Roberts again, we had my branding shoot, you may have seen some of those images starting to float around online spaces since that day. And it was such a fabulous experience because we were still high and excited from that experience and that connection that I have had with these humans that I had didn’t know prior to that evening. So take that leap, jump up onto your stage, whatever your stages and let me know I want to know I want to celebrate with you. I want to just celebrate you for being the fabulous magnificent human that you are. Well that’s it. That’s all it is. I hope whatever you’re up to, you’re having a fabulous rest of your week, and you enjoy creating space and time freedom. Bye now.
Well, there we go. Thank you so much for joining me today. It’s been such a pleasure having you on board. Have we connected on social jazz? If not, please come on over. Say hi, I’m on all the platforms at the artisan solutions. So I’d really look forward to seeing you over there. And if you enjoy today’s episode, don’t forget to tag me and I’d love it if you could leave a review. And of course, share this with others so others can come and join us next time. All right, that everyone have a fabulous rest of the week and until next time, see you then.


Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.