Episode 19

Is Outsourcing The Way To Go?

June 2nd, 2021


Today we’re chatting with Chloe Bright, an Online Business Manager and Marketing Strategist from Strategy x Soul, all about outsourcing and delegation.
We dive into:
  • Loving what you do in business and in life
  • How an OBM can help you turn your big vision into a strategic action plan
  • The difference between inspired challenges vs unexpected challenges
  • How being in your zone of genius helps you achieve your goals faster and love what you do
  • How technology can help you to grow and choosing what technology to use for your biz
  • How to manage expectations when working with clients or contractors
  • What’s important to consider when hiring a contractor or team member
  • Why you shouldn’t shy away from giving feedback
  • Updating your processes and workflows to work for you
  • What to do when a working relationship just isn’t working
  • How to know what to outsource
  • Growing your business by leveraging time and knowledge
  • Why you should consider hiring a team rather than just one person to do it all

Connect with our fabulous Speaker

Chloe Bright | Strategy x Soul 

Chloe Bright, founder of Strategy x Soul, specialises in helping coaches and creatives with strategy and support so they can spend more time doing what they love.
Chloe is an Online Business Manager and Marketing Strategist for heart led women in business who are looking to have a greater impact. She’s been described as ‘a breath of fresh air in business’ and ‘highly intuitive.’
Chloe’s Website:
Connect with Chloe on Instagram




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Full Episode Transcription

Nicole Smith 0:02
Welcome to take control with Nicole. as business owners, we experienced firsthand the fine line between our personal and business lives. During our conversations, we will look at simple hints and tips to create time, reduce, overwhelm, and help you to navigate through your journey to where you want to be. If you’re looking for smarter ways to work, and create space and time freedom in your day, then you’re in the right place. All right, let’s go.

Nicole Smith 0:34
Hello, hello. And thank you for joining me for this fabulous episode of take control with Nicole. Today I have the amazing Chloe bright here with me. And we are going to be exploring an important topic for business owners who are feeling a little bit overwhelmed with just too much on their plate. Or maybe you don’t like doing some of those tasks that you’re having to do each and every day. So we are going to be looking at the benefits of delegation and outsourcing. But firstly, I would love to introduce you to Chloe. Chloe is the founder of strategy and soul specialises in helping coaches and creatives with strategy and support so they can spend more time doing what they love. And that sounds good. Chloe is an online business manager and marketing specialists for hot lead women in business who are looking to have greater impact. She has been described as a breath of fresh air in business, and highly intuitive. I can absolutely agree with those comments, because I love Chloe, it’s so good. Well, hello, hello, thank you for coming on my show today and joining us and sharing all your beautiful wisdom with our community.

Chloe Bright 1:46
Thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited to be here. And

Nicole Smith 1:51
so exciting Chloe and I as with many of my guests actually met through the she mentors community. But we’ve got we’ve had many conversations across the time on various different things. But outsourcing and being able to do those things that you love is I think a passion of both of ours being able to support people through that journey.

Chloe Bright 2:15
Yeah, no, I love I think, yeah, we both share that love of really helping people to do more of what they love and have that flexibility in their lives and having bit more work life balance. We’ve had many conversations about work life balance, we love work balance,

Nicole Smith 2:30
and doing those things that make us happy, and sparkle. And that’s the shot in the business world. That’s like we both enjoy singing and dancing. And you know, being able to bring those things back into the day to day just makes everything beautiful and fun. And yeah, did you see how to no cloud he saw actually yesterday, I did a little sing on on the stories about my podcast. Like every time I’m in the front of the microphone, I just want to do music and singing instead of actually, you know, this stuff. This is fun, too. But yeah, it was an instant spur of the moment thing. And I’m like post done.

Chloe Bright 3:08
Oh, fun, amazing and makes you unique. And, yeah, that creativity, I’m immersing ourselves in creativity every day definitely makes us better business owners.

Nicole Smith 3:19
Absolutely. Now, I would love to you to share with us all a little bit about you. How did you come up with the concept of moving into the OBM space? And when did you realise that this was the business that you wanted to launch and be living in?

Chloe Bright 3:37
Yeah, awesome. So

Chloe Bright 3:39
I am an online business manager and marketing specialist. Particularly when it comes to marketing, I love podcasting, which is funny because we’re here. And Pinterest, I love harnessing the power of Pinterest. So

there are two areas of marketing that I focus on the most. But being an online business manager, I’m very much helping coaches and creatives with strategy and support. So it’s that strategic side of mapping out what are we going to do? How are we going to bring your vision to life? How are we going to implement that and then the support side is really looking at. Okay, we’ve got our plan of action steps now how like, let’s let’s do it, let’s make sure it happens and it comes to life. So I’m really passionate about what I do. I started in the online space a few years ago as a virtual assistant. And the role like it’s really naturally evolved into me becoming an online business manager. Because I I love everything about online business. I love marketing, I love systems and processes and working out how we can get business owners spending more time doing what they love. I myself have been burnt out in the past. And it’s really so it’s really close to my heart being able to free up business owners time so They can do more of what they love both inside and outside of their business, I find that, yeah, it can become a real grind. Sometimes in business, when, when we’re working really hard and making sure we have the opportunity to do more of what we love, to feel inspired every day and to, to grow our businesses in a in an inspired way. So that you love what you do, I really think there’s a magic, when, when we’re doing what we love to do in our businesses, our businesses just grow naturally.

Nicole Smith 5:33
You can really see it and feel it come to you, when people are really smack bang in their passion zone. Like they just look different, they stand taller, they they’re happy, they’re smiling. And I’m not saying that there’s not those stressful moments, but leading up to a launch or, you know, trying to nudge through that little pain point, whatever that might be. But yeah, I think that when you land there, and you set your business up, so that you are doing all of those beautiful things that you love, but you’ve got a team, or you’ve got some people in the background here that are supporting you to keep going. It’s just such a fabulous like area to be in. And I guess that’s why you’re here, because I wanted to talk about that, you know, the being able to create that for for business owners. And, you know, in order for them to spend more time doing what they love and scale a business, I know that you really do focus on that strategy side. So how does that how does that work? How do you support your creatives, your coaches, your beautiful business owners to, I guess, come down from the clouds a little bit? focusing on the this is the plan. How do we get to that stage?

Chloe Bright 6:57
Yeah, yep, definitely. So it’s all really focused on helping them to do more of what they love, they’ve often got a big vision, hence why they’re in business, they’ve got a big vision of what they want to achieve in their business. And in order to do that, we need to shift things around, get them doing more of what they love, outsourcing the things that they don’t want to do in line with their vision and their goals. And it always comes back to the vision and goals because that’s, that’s ultimately that where we want to go right. So everything that we do, really needs to be strategic in heading towards those goals, and not overwhelming the business owner owner either. So sometimes, well, a lot of the time business owners have this big vision, and they they want to do all the things all at once because they’re excited and inspired. But sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, mapping it out into an action plan of how to get there and what steps need to be taken. So I can really help facilitate that. Take a vision, turn it into an action plan, and help implement that action plan work out who needs to be doing what how to delegate properly so that they are enjoying the whole process of implementing their vision. Because I think as business owners, we can get caught up in having a big vision for having ideas and not implementing them properly. Because it’s hard to break it down into an action plan. And then half half do it and then be on to the next thing because we want to stay in that inspired zone of having these ideas that when we map it out into an action plan, where the business owner is doing sticking to their zone of genius and what they really love doing it becomes an inspiring challenge. Which I think is the key to the work that I do. I’m a big believer that we’re all going to have challenges in life that’s inevitable. But when we’re able to strategize and map things out in No, no way, in a way that’s inspiring to us and challenges us in an inspiring way. We enjoy what we’re doing a lot more rather than if we’re trying to avoid the challenges or outs to stick to or not pushing ourselves enough to feel challenged in what we’re doing. That’s when unexpected challenges can can arise for us in our lives and our businesses. So how can we continue to evolve and grow as business owners as a team as as a business so that we can keep pursuing inspired challenges. So that we’re and love what we do at the same time so that those unexpected challenges don’t come up?

Nicole Smith 9:34
Yeah, I love that. It’s so true. I know that I’m on that on that bandwagon as well. As much as I love the detail. I have these grand plans of things that I’m I love want to do. And you know, I do have to pull myself back and be like, Okay, hold on an account. That’s fabulous. But what do I need to do to actually get your set up? And do we do I have Do I have the skills to do that? Do I need to find someone to help me with that? And is that person going to be the right person as well? Like, I know, in my, my past lifetime, you know, I was headhunted for a role. And he said to me, you know, he is was great at coming up with the concepts and grading and doing all the things, you know, the top level stuff, but when it came to actually getting that stuff done, that was not where he wanted to be. So finding that person, I was that person for him that again, a dumb person. So he would, we’d go through all this process. And the first thing that we worked together on was a big, Brett rebrand of the business. And I’d come in where they’d already done a lot of the strategy stuff. And I was like, riding into, like, let’s make this magic happen. And it was such a great process, because he was excited to see this vision come to life, and being able to support them through that journey and have someone in when you’re in your business as well have you be supported through that journey. It’s just such a lovely experience to actually see your vision, happen, and create and become a living, breathing thing, whatever it might be.

Chloe Bright 11:10
Yeah, that’s the exciting part about it, seeing it all come to life and feeling good, because you’re, you’re really focusing on the areas that you’re the best at and you love them. And, yeah, it’s definitely important to find those other people that are going to, they might seem like they’re the opposite of you. But that can be a really good thing to help bring

Nicole Smith 11:31
that clay what you need, isn’t it? Yeah. I was having a conversation with someone, I can’t remember who it was now. But they were saying they they started a business and oh, no, Lauren from seriously sorted, she was saying her and her husband went into a business together. And they soon realised that they both like doing the same things. So that was not going to be working long term. Because you have to find those people that like doing those things over there. So you can continue to do the things you like over here. So yeah, now technology, obviously, that’s a big part of business today. And I imagine that being able to be aware of that and choosing what’s going to be best for you. And also the choosing the people that you’re outsourcing to looking for the skills that they need is probably quite a key point when you’re looking to delegate or outsource. What do you sort of look at when you’ve you’ve done these strategy plans with your clients? And you’re looking to I guess, get them into play? How do you look at technology in supporting those things to to become live and living?

Chloe Bright 12:50
Yeah, awesome. So technology, it’s such an individual thing. I’m a big believer that no business is the same. And so some technologies will work for this for different businesses. But we really need to deep dive into what your goals are what is already working for you in your business. And because meeting you where you at you’re at is really important as well, because we can’t move forward and evolve things too quickly, because it’ll get overwhelming for the business owner or the team. So I really like to go in meet the business owners where they’re at, work out what technology is really working for them, what they’ve tried in the past that maybe wasn’t working for them, and how we can kind of implement things, systems and processes in that are really going to help them to, to keep evolving and bring their vision to life in line with their goals. So I’m also a big believer in I think so many people think of technology and they go, Oh, I don’t want to pay for another subscription that you need to really weigh up if that subscription is worth it financially. So for example, dubsado is a really great platform that really can help with client onboarding. And it is like $45 a month to get dubsado. But if it’s taking you looking at your hourly rate as a business owner or an hour, the hourly rate of a team member, if you if you’re paying more for that person to do the task every time, then it’s a no brainer to invest in that technology that’s gonna streamline the system a bit more and make your client onboarding so much quicker. So when things like that up as well, and it differs from business to business, but I find that bringing in a new system or an automation tool is a lot more cost effective than having a team member do a particular task over and over again.

Nicole Smith 14:54
Yeah, and I think it’s really about with any of these things, identifying the actual problem Some workflows at the outset. So we can actually understand what is what are those steps? How are they currently being executed? And is that the most efficient way? If not, what is the solution that we can look at that’s within budget, which is in your, you know, the way that you were growing your business, you know, you’re looking to expand your team exponentially, are you staying quite small, because all of those things have, you know, a factor in when you’re selecting these systems, that scalability is really important. But I do agree, you know, bringing technology in is a really great way to improve and your efficiencies for your business. Keeping in mind as well, as you’ve probably experienced, not everyone is technologically minded, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. And so to keep it simple, even at the start to get people really understanding the steps. Yeah, I think it’s a really, really good process to go through. But I do love technology.

Chloe Bright 16:11
I definitely looking at Yeah, a simple, more simple solution, or a more advanced solution, depending on this business owner. And I think people will be surprised at how there might be a little bit of a learning curve at the start. But once you start using that technology, once or twice, you really learn how to do it really well, and it will save you time in the long run. So trust those experts that are telling you to implement technology, because it it really has changed the game for a lot of business owners, especially the ones that were kind of hesitant to implant technology, and now have dived into it. And it solves a lot of problems to your lack I find especially if you’re at that point where you’re getting lots of emails, getting super busy creating a system using technology that’s going to streamline how you kind of qualify leads that are coming into your business. And that sort of thing can be really powerful in saving you a lot of time and making that customer experience a lot smoother for them as well.

Nicole Smith 17:10
Yeah, absolutely. Totally agree with that. Yeah. Dude, love technology. It’s so fun. I’m sorry. When our clients come to us sometimes at the start, it’s all roses and you know, singing from the mountains like Sound of Music, but then you can sometimes experience that difficulty if maybe your your alignments are quite often maybe it wasn’t select, you know, picked up right at the start. Have you like how do you sort of go through and manage that with with difficult clients? Hopefully, you haven’t had to do that too much. But I know that this is the same for I guess, the conversation of when you’re outsourcing, you know, working with, you know, a contractor or a an assistant or a social media manager or whoever it is that you’re those alignments such as quite, do you think they’re fine, but all of a sudden, they’re just a little bit off? Yeah, how do you help your clients work through that, or you work through that? Yeah, I

Chloe Bright 18:17
think that working with people, I think that you’re always going to have challenges that arise because especially if we’re, if we’ve chosen someone who does have that opposite skill set, their values are going to be different to ours. And I think that’s important to remember, when we’re bringing on new team, no matter how excited you are about it, and looking forward to, to what you are, you’re always going to come up with some challenges when working with another human being. So I think the biggest thing that I would go into when hiring a team member, or working with some sort of contractor or any sort of person is try and identify what their biggest values are. Because if they if family is really important to them, you might find, you’ll be able to then understand if they have to change around some deadlines or that sort of thing. Because they’ve their families, the highest value and other person might have a high value on business. So the business is going to be put first another person might take their health really seriously. So they’re going to have really strong boundaries around their working hours. So try and identify what are the top values of the person that you’re working with, because then it brings a lot more understanding to the working relationship and respecting you’ll be able to work with what is most important to them. I think often we can go into working relationships and try and impose our values onto another person. But at the end of the day, that’s just going to cause problems because it’s not your values structure is not going to be the same as their value structure. So I think that’s a really important thing to keep in mind. And something to kind of identify in the hiring process as well ask them questions about what they love to do outside of blackham what’s important to them that sort of thing, and you’ll see signs of it as you kind of work together about what’s important to them as well.

Nicole Smith 20:06
That’s, that’s something that I think we probably don’t really think about as much because you’re, when you’re employing someone, or you’re, you know, you’re looking for support, you have an action that you want assistance with, and you’re looking for someone with the skills to do that action. But you forget, sometimes that there is that’s always going to overlap with the personnel, because you’re working closely with this person, whoever it might be, if they’re a full time employee even more, so you’ll see them 24 hours a day, we’ll probably not 24 hours, but five days a week anyway, online virtually depends COVID on time, anyway, um, it’s really important to understand that and have those sort of initial conversations right at the get go to understand who is the person because ultimately, that’s who will be showing up each and every day, is that person in that role? Doing the actions, but the action stuff is secondary to who they are sorry, that’s really, really good advice.

Chloe Bright 21:07
Yeah, good advice. I think, if as well, you want to learn what their values are, because if they’re doing a really great job, and there’s a particular you know, what they’re they enjoy, you can reward them in ways that are actually really going to resonate with them as well. So if family is big for them, maybe giving giving them a voucher to do with their family, so they can take their family on a day trip or something as a reward, or a bonus for live hard work that they’re doing. But yeah, it just brings that next level of understanding. So if you’re having challenges initially, sometimes it can be a misalignment of values. And if you’re keeping, keeping, forcing your values onto that other person, then it’s just going to keep going to, you’re going to keep butting heads with them kind of a clash, like the two simple things together. Yeah, yeah. And then outside of that, working on communication. So if you’re having problems that arise, feedback is so super important. It’s vital to that first month of working together. Because if you can have really strong expectations, really strong deadlines around when you’re wanting things done, how you’re wanting things done, and giving that person feedback on that was awesome. But these few tweaks need to be made for next time that can really set that other person up for success. I think especially in the contracting world, your contractors want to do the best for you the best sort of work for you. So making those expectations really clear, the deadlines really clear can be really, really help with that. Because then they know Yep, these are the expectations. These are the deadlines, I’m going to improve or work towards these, there’s no question of our I didn’t realise you wanted it done two days ago. And if things a system or process isn’t quite working for you, either, you can always adapt it and change it and communicating that as well. And trying to find a solution that works for both the business owner and the contractor can be really important.

Nicole Smith 22:54
Yeah, that’s true. Like we all know that I love click up, and I know you’re on click off as well. But all of my processes and workflows and templates, and all of that are in there, and they are evolving. And from when I was just made to bringing on my support, they have evolved, and they still evolve every time. You know, like with my podcast, when I first started it to now like my process has refined. So that’s why it’s so important to do those little tweaks. And talking about the communication having a system like clickup, or Asana or Monday, anything like that, being able to communicate within those systems has been absolute, like hey, for me, I know. And it just really is very clear. So if you’re working on a particular task, and you have feedback on that task, it goes in there. So it’s really, really nice and easy. And make sure I guess as well that they’ve received that feedback, you know, cuz you can just type things in, and they may not have seen it. So making sure that they’ve acknowledged that they’ve received that. And if they’ve got any, you know, comments back or anything, it is a two way street. I always look at any relationship like this, as a partnership, we’re working towards the same goals and being able to clearly understand what they are. And those boundaries around those and the expectations are really, really clear. But of course, sometimes it’s not all, you know, Rosy, and we do come to a point where, you know, those expectations aren’t being met. And that is that’s a hard situation to become, you know, to arise in. But it’s about I think, you know, knowing what you need as a business owner and trying to, as much as it’s a personal thing and you feel, you know, you don’t want to let that person down. You’ve got to make sure that you support yourself through through that and know that the decisions you’re making are for them. for your business, and that that’s really where we need to be focusing on because these actions need to be completed to progress you to launch that big new thing where you know, you’re going to be happy in that in that zone. So

Chloe Bright 25:13
yeah, definitely at the end of the day, if you’ve gone through evaluating what their values are, and you’ve given plenty of feedback, set expectations, and deadlines, and all of that thing, both things and it’s just not working. It’s not an aligned working relationship. So it’s time to say goodbye. And it’s, it’s hard, it’s really hard to do. But try and get them on a call and have to do it. And it’s giving Think of it as you’re giving them the opportunity to find a really an aligned client for them. So don’t think of it as Oh, no, what are they going to do, it’s clearly not an aligned, fit, working relationship. So they’ve now got the opportunity to go out and find an online site for them. And they would have learned a lot from the experience as well. So you’ve given them a lot to a lot to think about a lot of feedback. And they get to take that on board and evolve their businesses and what they’re doing as freelancers. So don’t be afraid to kind of take that step if it’s needed. But make sure you you’ve done the feedback and the setting expectations and working with them to start with.

Nicole Smith 26:24
Hey, they’re just interrupting this episode to let you know about our exciting new membership, the doors to the take control is the call members lounge will be opening for the first time on Monday, the 14th of June, to welcome you in as one of our fabulous foundation members to be first through the doors, pop on over to the show notes and add your name to the waitlist, where we will be sharing all the information leading up to the 14th of June, I cannot wait to welcome you into our members lounge, see you soon. The power of know is very powerful, isn’t it. And it’s not just it’s I don’t ever see it as a negative connotation, if that’s the right, I see it as an opportunity to you know, like I, I’m an advocate for saying, if my, if someone comes to work want to work with me, and we’re not aligned, I know that the experiences are going to be great, because I’m on one side and they’re on somewhere else. And it’s we’re just going to be trying like a Lego block trying to squish each other together. And it’s just not going to serve either of us. So it’s exactly the same in when we are employing people. To be honest about that. And it’s it’s it’s not a personal thing. It’s a we need to make these decisions, because it’s the best thing for everybody in the long term.

Chloe Bright 27:48
Yeah, definitely. And I think, as a business owner, if that if a working relationship isn’t working, it’s going to be causing a stress, it’s going to make things hard. And it’s going to hold us back from serving more of our clients and growing our businesses which, at the end of the day, that’s going to have a big impact. So don’t hold the business of evolution back because you’re working with someone that is not aligned to be working with because you can impact so many other people more positively by continuing that growth of your business. And for me, when I started as a virtual assistant, I started offering everything in anything to anyone. And it’s through those experiences with working with both aligned clients and not so aligned clients that I’ve evolved into the OEM and the marketer that I am today. So, don’t think because you’re letting someone go, that that’s a negative experience for them, it might be fine at the time, but it’s going to help them evolve so much and then grow and learn and your business is going to be able to evolve faster, working with someone who’s more aligned to you.

Nicole Smith 28:50
So true, like just thinking about my career, you know, where I started years ago. I don’t actually have any but a few, um, you know, as a receptionist in a financial planning and accounting firm, and I remember that first job very well. And I learnt so much when I was there. And that really set me on the the path to where I am today. You know, every role that I took, I was surrounded by different people with different experiences. And I acquired all of this different knowledge and really started to refine and refine and refine to find what I really loved, which is processing systems and getting things organised and helping people to find the best way of working. And yeah, all of those experiences have led me right here to finding that so I’m really grateful for everything that I’ve gone through. So, yes, Oh, good. Now, we know you as business owners were at this point, we have things going on and there’s just not enough hours in the day to get on. Nothing is done to reach those big grand plans that we want to do. How do I know what to outsource? Like, how do I know out of all the things? What do you what do you advise your clients when they get to that point?

Chloe Bright 30:14
Yeah, definitely, this is what I cover in every discovery call that I have with people. So first, we want to find out what you’ve got us out of what are your short term? And what are your long term goals? And are they aligned? What Yeah, what are you actually working towards? And then once we’ve identified that, we need to think about, what do you really love doing it your business? What are the tasks that light you up that you love doing that are important for your business? How can we get you doing more of them, and what are the tasks that are draining you taking you too long you procrastinate on or you love doing them, but they’re just taking you too much time. So make those lists that we’re gonna sit in the middle. But to start with, you have obvious things when you list them down, that you want to delegate and obvious things that you want to keep and keep doing for yourself. So have a think about those things. And then from there, you can take that list of things that you don’t want to do the recurring tasks, often the easiest things to delegate because whoever you are using, wherever you are working with will be able to get familiar with those tasks and do them faster and better. And each time and get to know the the expectations and all that sort of stuff. So recurring tasks are the easiest to start with. But in saying that once you start working with someone, they should be able to pick up project work as well, once offs and things that you don’t want to be doing either, especially if they’re simple tasks. So that’s kind of what I kind of map out in the discovery call. And that’s, that’s where I would recommend starting.

Nicole Smith 31:47
Yeah, that’s really good advice. Because I know, like one of my goals last year, towards the end of last year was become more consistent on my socials. Now, I could do that myself. It would just take extra planning and extra time to do that. But I decided to delegate that out. And now I’ve won, I’ve won that goal is that even, I know I can take that goal off, because we are consistently posting and it’s note I’ve can see the impact because people are, you know, engaging with all of most of my social posts, I’m becoming known, more known. being asked to do things I’m, you know, being tagged, if someone’s looking for someone to talk about time management, or any of that fun stuff, I’m getting recognised as the person that they need to speak to. So like that was a task that I knew was going to be such a positive impact for the business. And just being able to make those decisions. And I can see other thing as well as being open to just because you think it should be done this way. Remember, you may not be the expert in that. And you’ve just employed someone to who is the expert in that. So be open to listen to what how, what they their opinions and, and advice on how to get a particular task done. Because it’s always about the knowledge that we don’t know, we’re acquiring knowledge and new ways of looking at things like it may not be the way you want to go. But be open to that discussion. Because it might be that you don’t, we shouldn’t be trying to micromanage people, because that is just too hard. That’s, that’s hard. There won’t be that we were trying to make things easier. We want to be able to trust and empower those people that you come to work with you to just take on that task. And then it’s going to get done beautifully. And and you can still be over here in the shiny stuff. So

Chloe Bright 33:44
yeah, definitely. I think that at the start of business is all about working hard and messy, inspired action and getting stuff done and doing all the things but then you do reach a point where you’re you’re so busy. And it’s it’s time to outsource and it turns into a game of leverage. How can you start leveraging other people’s knowledge? How can you start leveraging other people’s time so that you can keep growing? Because time isn’t infinite resource? Right? finit? finite,

Nicole Smith 34:11
finite, finite? Yeah. finite? finite, yeah. Infinite to finite. Yeah.

Chloe Bright 34:20
How can you leverage your time by, it’s obviously going to take you time to learn a new skill, right, and to learn new information. So if you can trust in an expert to do that task for you, and do it in a way that is more efficient, because they got more experienced than you that’s really leveraging your time as well. So we don’t want to think as of leveraging our time just in delegating tasks, but also that knowledge to do that task really well and faster sometimes then you can.

Nicole Smith 34:52
How wonderful such a wonderful feeling when you’ve had a great experience with that with delegating and outsourcing and You can just continue to grow to wherever that may be. I was just saying to Chloe a second ago that I was doing some rails this morning one on scaling and how scaling doesn’t necessary scaling is different to everybody. You know, it doesn’t mean that it’s, you know, up to the the big figure businesses or that you want a team of 20, it could be that you are happy where you are as your solopreneur. And you just want to refine, and make things more with more ease in your day. And that is just fabulous. And by outsourcing and by finding those people who have that same thought pattern, and that same way of looking at the world, would just really work and really complement each other. So if you are sitting there thinking, Oh, this sounds good. I think you should have a think about those tasks. Because Corey said those repeatable tasks, those ones that maybe you really don’t like doing. And if you have the finances to back that up, have a look and reach out to someone who can support you on that journey. So thank you so much. That’s really exciting. I love this topic. And I think it’s just such an important one for people to be aware of, and that know that it’s accessible.

Chloe Bright 36:16
Yeah, yes, definitely, it’s very accessible, you can start in the tiniest way, like it might be just an hour away, creating some graphics or something, something as simple as that, that’s just going to free up that one hour or couple of hours. And it can grow to be as big as you want it to as well. So yeah, if you’re nervous about it, start small start with a couple hours or five hours a week, delegating work to someone else and, and build it up from there.

Nicole Smith 36:43
And something you said to me before we were before we pressed record, Chloe was that you don’t necessarily have to have one person to do all the things you can find if you need someone to specialise in building a membership site, or you need someone to do just social media, or you want someone to do podcast editing, for instance, like you can find those people and build your team with, you know, small, like small hours all over the place. Because you know, you’ve gone to that expert for that particular action that you need done in your business.

Chloe Bright 37:16
Yeah, honestly, I’m a big believer in playing to strengths and values at the end of the day is if your team feels very inspired to create graphics on Canva, get them doing that. And if a second team member is really great at writing, get them to do that and other admin, get them to do that. Play to strengths, make sure they’re doing work that’s really inspiring to them. I think that’s a big key to outsourcing as well. Like I know, for my business, some of my clients that I work with, they, I will outsource some of their work. And when one person that’s on my team is a graphic designer, so they create graphics and social tiles and everything in Canva. And then another team member of mine is a gigantic admin. So she’ll get all those admin data entry sort of tasks done. So yeah, really play to people’s strengths and find out what their experiences in and what really lights them up. If organisation is their thing. And that is a good fit for your business, then hire them, if you’re looking for someone for graphics, or hire them writing, go hire them, like, it doesn’t have to be one person. It can be multiple people supporting you and your business in areas that are really inspiring to them.

Nicole Smith 38:31
And isn’t that really interesting, because that just pulls us right back to the whole point of the conversation about creating the space for us as business owners to be doing what we love. We are doing that we’re helping other business owners to be working in a space where they love to be working. Oh, how lovely. And that’s,

Chloe Bright 38:50
that’s my mission. That’s like, that’s what I if I, I’m if I can get everyone in the world to do what they love doing. And really focusing on that. I think that magic like that creates magic and that that’s really my mission and why I do what I do. I want everyone to be able to do what they love, and do do things that are really inspiring to them, and take on inspiring challenges where they get to grow and experience what they want to experience in the world. So yeah, that’s really my why and why I do what I do. I want business owners to do more of what they love. And in turn, I want contractors and freelancers to do more of what they love to

Nicole Smith 39:32
do. I love that. That’s fair for a great What a great view and we will support everyone listening. Let’s support that vision and get that happening in the world because that is imagine how that would feel so awfully. Well Callie, we’re at the time where we ask I ask all my guests the same three questions. So are you ready for them? Yes. Okay, what is Your go to app that creates ease in your day,

Chloe Bright 40:03
it has to be WhatsApp or boxer. They I love voice messages. So anytime I can send a voice message to someone, client or contractor or anything, Whatsapp or boxer, they’re the two that I use.

Nicole Smith 40:17
I love voice messaging, how good is it because you can actually hear the tone. Yes, you can hear the voice you can hear, obviously, it’s a voice message. But if someone’s having a, they’re excited, and they just write, you know, blah, blah, blah in text, you

can actually

feel that there is a voice message, you can tell if they’re happy, or if they’re like, I’m sure about these. I need some help. Like it’s Yeah, that’s great. Good, good. Okay, online or paper to do this lover,

Chloe Bright 40:45
I’m very much a mix of both. But I’m getting overwhelmed. Writing down a paper list of top tasks is really effective. But most of my stuff is online. Now. I love the sustainability of that. And I love the flexibility of that in being able to to travel around or go to meetings, and that and have it all on my laptop.

Nicole Smith 41:06
Yeah, yeah. So good. I think that’s a very popular response. Hybrid, the hybrid of the online and paper up paper is good as on the on the same? Absolutely same. Okay, one more? What would you do if you created more space in your world?

Chloe Bright 41:21
If I’ve created more space in my world, there’s so many things I would do. I would love to get into the coaching space, I’d love to start teaching vaes how to get started in business. That’s something that on my list, and yeah, it’ll be happening in the near future. So fabulous. I’m excited about that. But I love travel. I love nature. I love camping, those sorts of things. And I love music as well. So more dance classes, most singing all the creative stuff.

Nicole Smith 41:52
Sorry, good. So good. Well, thank you so much for joining me today and sharing everything that we spoke about. It’s such an area that you We both love and are so passionate about. And I would love you to share if people want to connect with you how to where do we find you?

Chloe Bright 42:10
Yeah, all the things you can find me over on Instagram. That’s the main place that I hang out. It’s strategy x. So so that’s where I spend the most time on my website is strategy x soul as well. So you can head over there and say hi, but they’re the main places that I hang out wonderful. Chloe’s

Nicole Smith 42:29
just had a recent rebrand as well. So she go over and check out her website. I think it’s stunning. So she did a pretty good job there. I’m quite pleased with it. So thank you, Mike. You’re welcome. I love it. Well, we’re at the end. Thank you so much again, for joining me today. It’s been such a great conversation. And I know I will be speaking to you soon, I’m sure. Yes. Thank you so much for having me. My pleasure. Radio, everyone. Well, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and enjoy creating space and time freedom by now. Well, there we go. Thank you so much for joining me today. It’s been such a pleasure having you on board. Have we connected on social shares? If not, please come on over. Say hi, I’m on all the platforms at the artisan solutions. So I’d really look forward to seeing you over there. And if you enjoy today’s episode, don’t forget to tag me and I’d love it if you could leave a review. And of course share this with others so others can come and join us next time. All right, then everyone have a fabulous rest of the week and until next time. See you then


Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.